A 61-year-old man fell asleep and crashed into the barrier at the north end of the Grove Rd
bridge in Blenheim about 6am today.
Constable Michelle Stagg said the man was driving a Toyota Hilux four-wheel-drive south when
it appeared he fell asleep and hit the barrier, extensively damaging his vehicle.
The man was uninjured and both lanes of State Highway 1 were closed for about 20 minutes
while the 4WD was towed away.
Charges may be laid, Miss Stagg said.
In other weekend arrests, a 65-year-old Christchurch teacher has been charged for driving in
Blenheim while forbidden. The woman had been stopped by police about midnight yesterday and
was told she should not be driving because of the combination of medicine she was taking, but
Miss Stagg said she drove anyway. The woman is due to appear in the Blenheim District Court
on April 4.
An unemployed man and a student were arrested for burglary after they were found in a garage
in Springlands about 11pm Saturday. The 21-year-old and the 16-year-old ran away but were
found by police and will appear in court tomorrow. Both were released on bail.
A 27-year-old pregnant, unemployed woman was arrested in Picton on Friday for having Ritalin
without a prescription and a hypodermic needle for use with non-prescription drugs. She was
released on bail and was due to appear in the Blenheim District Court today.
A 22-year-old German tourist was arrested for shoplifting from The Warehouse Blenheim on
A 23-year-old vineyard worker was arrested for assault after an incident on Kinross St,
Blenheim, early yesterday. The man will appear in the Blenheim District Court on March 21.
A 52-year-old beneficiary was arrested after he was found in the New World Blenheim yard
about 11pm yesterday. Miss Stagg said more people were being caught trying to steal goods
from supermarket stock entrances.