The following was recorded in the log of the Salem Police from Monday through Tuesday afternoon. Police found a hypodermic needle on Lafayette Street and took a report of a man who sold a toy online and was not paid.
* At 4:29 p.m. Monday, police responded to a Highland Avenue business to talk to an elderly female. The elderly woman had come in with a money order because she was told she had won the lottery. Police advised the woman never to give out her social security number.
* The Animal Control officer responded to North Street at 5:19 p.m. Monday for a report of a dog left in a car for 24 hours. The car was gone when police arrived.
* At 5:40 p.m. Monday, police responded to Cedar Street for a report of malicious damage to a fence. Police observed a six foot section of fence kicked in.
* At 5:56 p.m. Monday, police were called to Congress Street for a past break-in. Police were met with a woman who said her boyfriend rents one of the stalls in the garage. The owner of the garage called her to inform her the stall had been broken into. A Harley Davidson motorcycle frame was stolen. The woman told police the frame belongs to someone else and her boyfriend was working on paying him for it. The woman's boyfriend was out of state at the time so police told her to have the boyfriend contact them when he returns.
* Monday at 9:46 p.m. Monday, police placed one man into protective custody after he could not walk on his own on Derby Street. Another man with him was able to take care of himself.
* Tuesday at 12:25 a.m., residents of Parlee Street complained about hearing construction noise. Police found someone doing construction and advised them to stop for the night.
* At 7:22 a.m. Tuesday, police were called to Dearborn Street for a car with slashed tires.
* Tuesday at 8:12 a.m., a man told police he sold a toy online to a person in Hong Kong and that person would not pay him and sent the toy back with missing parts. The toy is called an "alien hot toy." A report was filed.
* At 9:18 a.m. Tuesday, an officer working a detail on Bridge Street witnessed a car driving left of center and almost collide with oncoming traffic. Police arrested Jose Dasilva, 48, 4 Exchange St., Gloucester, and charged him with marked lanes violation and driving without a license.
* At 9:51 a.m. Tuesday, police responded to North Street for a four-car accident. There were no injuries.
* At 11 a.m. Tuesday, police noted in the log that they solved the "cat napping."
* At 11:13 a.m. Tuesday, a resident of Crosby Street said a go-kart valued at $300 was taken by two men in a van. The resident said the go-kart was next to the trash out on the sidewalk, but was not trash. Two men pulled up and started to take the go-kart. When she told them it was not trash, they took it anyway.
* A hypodermic needle was found on Lafayette Street at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday.
* A second car was found to have slashed tires on Dearborn Street at 1:24 p.m. Tuesday.
* At 2:05 p.m. a Broadway Street business reported someone had put graffiti that said "bread" on the back on their building.