It's never too late: so says the old adage about the great themes of life: change, true love ... Well, also applies to plastic surgery and in particular that the threshold of summer, when the inevitable arrives 'Last call for the test suit. And to see that happen again, slimming and firming creams, diets and exercise have not yielded the desired results. Worse: while most of the round from the waist down are still present, the upper body is thinner, as "empty."
To run for cover in a hurry, the main tool is liposuction , which removes localized deposits of fat forever . In the mini version, then, the recovery is even shorter and the conquest of the "perfect shape" almost immediately.
"There can be subjected to the intervention up to 2-3 weeks to get in costume , "said Mark Klinger, a professor of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the University of Milan - Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Rozzano (Milan). Obviously, however, intervention is not for everyone. "The ideal situation is to undergo liposuction, however, to be closer to your ideal weight - says Klinger -. Not to spoil the intervention, then it is important that the patient is committed to maintain this weight . Gaining weight significantly, in fact, new deposits, however, tend to settle in the same places, not for effect or because of the intervention, but just for a matter of constitution. "
How is the procedure? Under local anesthesia, when the points to be treated are not more than two per side (eg the inside of the knee and the upper and outer thighs) is basically a ' incision of about 4 mm , which is inserted through a small suction cannula . Eliminated the excess fat, wear a containment sheath helps to join the superficial tissues more rapidly than deep, and then to design the best new "contours". Last shrewdness, to avoid making the scar (however small) permanent, it is then that of sun exposure with only a cream with sun block , at least in the first 6-8 months.