What blind suckers many Americans have become in thinking that government will be their champion. In a free society the only defense is the strength, knowledge and experience of the individual who will use that strength against all forces that would attempt to take away their life, their liberty, their property and their pursuit of happiness. Circling around all Americans today are the political and special interest vultures that get their kicks out of herding and manipulating the masses for their own gain.
The people protesting in the streets in the national “Occupy Wall Street” circus are nothing but disgruntled, ungrateful, spoiled, ner-do-well brats who don’t work but smoke pot, shoot up heroin, defecate on cop cars, engage in public sex, disrupt businesses and generally make an infuriating nuisance of themselves. They are exploited, funded and supported by unions, communists, socialists, illegal aliens, radical environmentalists, one-world-order types and the anti-war crowd. Hundreds of arrests have occurred around the country in these protests, while arrests in the millions of the peaceful folk that took part in the tea party rallies, numbered on one hand.
Do you ever wonder why that is and why the mainstream media can’t seem to tell the difference? To House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, the Tea Partiers were Astroturf, but she thinks that the Occupy Wall Street crowd represent the true grass roots of America. That’s OK. Nancy is about 10 cards short of a full deck anyway. She was the one that said we have to pass Obama’s health care bill “to see what was in it!” But we digress.
These throwbacks to the 1960s flower-children rejects camped out in downtown Manhattan, have been brainwashed into thinking that it is those that control the money and horde the wealth that are the enemies of the common man, whatever that is. They get this pile of dung in our public schools and colleges. It is parroted by the media and by the talking points of the liberal left. Government adds to the din by providing the overall propaganda for their progressive political agenda, which is repeated ad nauseam across the fruited plains.
That people so naive, ignorant, lazy and weak can call themselves Americans, is beyond comprehension. They could have never won the American Revolution, pioneered the west, or fueled the fire of entrepreneurs that were and are the power and strength of this once-great nation. They could have never been the creators, the inventors, the doers, the engineers, the architects, the funders, or much less the workers that built railroads, bridges, super highways, skyscrapers, war ships, airplanes, or grow the food that feeds not only a hungry nation, but at least one third of the world as well.
They are the hanger-ons, the leaches, the whiners, the complainers and those that feed shamelessly at the government pig trough. They want someone else to do the heavy lifting for them and they want to get paid for doing nothing. They lobby government to steal their ill-gotten handouts for them, from the achievers, the plodders and the hard workers. They wrongly believe that because they might be less well off than the Wall Street types, the bankers, the company presidents, the hedge fund managers, or a whole host of others who keep the engines of commerce humming, they have a claim or a right to the earnings of those achievers. Government is only too quick to plant that socialist thought in their minds in exchange for their votes, with a constant barrage of indoctrination and class warfare, as Obama has been doing for almost three years now.
For those who don’t seem to have the intellect to grasp it, there will always be the rich and the poor among us in every nation because of the inviolate golden rule of “Those with the Gold, Rule!” The difference between America and other nations is that our freedom and the U. S. Constitution allow the opportunity for the poor to become rich, that is if they have the ambition, the knowledge and the experience to compete on the national stage. And because of this opportunity that a free society encourages, America has one of the highest middle classes on the planet. If the middle class is shrinking, it can be laid directly at the feet of government who sucks the ambition out of people by providing them with free handouts. Adversity and failure create strength, winners and ultimate success. Government giveaways without responsibility, create mediocrity, self-loathing, self-pity and losers.
In all of life there are winners and losers. Animals, birds, insects, plants and humans alike are not immune. The problem comes in humans when the government gets to choose who gets to win and who gets to lose. The other problem that comes is when the people don’t hold their elected representatives to their oath of office where they solemnly swear to preserve, protect and defend the U. S. Constitution, so help them God. If the people don’t care, or they want too much from government, government will secretly burn the constitution in effigy to satisfy the irrational wants of the people and then turn around and quote from it when it serves their evil purposes.
The miscreants that are now occupying Wall Street and other downtown centers across the globe, are placing their emphasis on the wrong syllable. It is quite possible that many at the top and several rungs down the ladder within the financial community deserve to be behind bars. But it is the unholy alliance between government and the financial community that breaks the rules to enrich themselves, on Wall Street or in Washington DC. If the occupiers are looking for a villain at which to point their finger and express their anger, they need to be protesting in front of the White House and the U. S. Capitol building, the occupants of which engage in racketeering with the moneychangers in exchange for political power and a seat at the table of the financial elite and powerful. Many in political power should also be behind bars as well. Crony capitalism, backroom deals and insider trading are the rule in politics and business, rather than the exception. But none of this would be possible if politicians or the people were honorable and could not be corrupted by money and power.
In the end, it boils down to an electorate that doesn’t care or wants too much from government and politicians without honor who can’t resist a payoff in return for a larger bank account, or the votes necessary to remain in power.
The solution to all this is not so easy. How do you replace the lack of honor, integrity and honesty in an entire culture where a large percentage of the people have thrown all three attributes into the trash heap and position themselves to be on the receiving end of thousands, millions, billions or trillions of dollars that fall magically out of the sky if you just happen to be at the right place at the right time .... or know someone?
America was built on individual, unalienable rights, as a gift from our creator and on the corresponding duty of individual responsibility. Its strength comes from individual thought and individual achievement. America is not a collective or a socialist society where the rights or desires of the many, or the mob, have priority over the rights of the minority. Without individual rights, individual achievement and individual responsibility, America is just another third-rate protectorate.
“The Parallax Prophecies” predicts that until the nation heals itself and reclaims the characteristics of goodness and honor and rejects and roots out corruption at every level, America will slowly decay into a non-exceptional, bankrupt, corrupt and third-world country. The problem is, that decay is now increasing at an exponential rate and there is little time to insert a course correction before it is too late.
All these attempts to fix the “system” by well meaning individuals and groups, is a little like trying to insert a hypodermic needle into a spinning tennis ball. The needle would go in, if the ball would ever stop spinning. But alas the ball just keeps going round and round, defying every single or multiple attempts to bring it to a halt. The nagging question is, whom or what will stop the ball from spinning and bring our lives and America under the umbrella of freedom again?
Are any of the solutions to our dilemma peaceful, or are we too far gone such that peaceful solutions are no longer viable? The election of 2012 may give us the answer, but it may not be the answer we want to hear.