
The Finnish diet: lose weight so many in 2012!

Tastes site asked readers intend to lose weight in 2012. As many as 71 per cent of respondents said that the issue would be weight loss.

Readers are strongly feel that this year the flake from the KB. Obesity has been accumulated, and the reasons are many: stress, lack of exercise, and general poor lifestyles have increased the readers vy?t?r?nymp?ryst?.

A tough and stressful stint, and sedentary work have brought several kilos of late summer and autumn. I want to get them off, and an additional bonus would be to get a little more, Ditris writes.

I have currently 15 kg extra. I got it in the autumn as I was on sick leave. Always taken the right way of life. Now, it is difficult to walk normally, swim and get a life of pleasure. I would like to correct the situation and then be able to weight management, Benton to share their feelings.

The latest health risks are many and make a good decision.

Overweight to some extent, an osteoarthritis, blood pressure, throws, ik??kin enough so that it's about time! boasts miipa.

I have almost 20 kg of excess weight and blood sugars were elevated for a few years, says Jaana.
These readers excess kilos go: Bread, potatoes and pasta from?

How Kbytes, then deported? Multiple readers swears by the name of low-carbohydrate diet on weight loss.

Stopping bread, potatoes and pasta-eating I have lost weight in 2011, just 20 kg. Your diabetes has now been halved, my intention is to get completely rid of medication intake by reducing hiila thigh, Jopapa says.

Hiilaritietoisesti as organic food, the form of contract for three years in a suitable weight. Do not need to lose weight, mie says.

When good habits are in the possession and control of body weight found in the bag of tricks, wisdom is easy to distribute to those who are just beginning the struggle kilogram driving.

No need to lose weight, I got nykymittoihini a few years ago dimensions, and they are being met. When you eat all reasonably healthy as can between the feast. Remember to move enough, remains in good condition and thoughts virkein?, the home cook to encourage.

No need to lose weight. I stay slim by diet and exercise. If you start to pant waist distressed, reduced swell dishes and let's walk! Sanni writes.AION

No need to lose weight. Can learn to eat to lose weight and so accepts it himself, and begins a new and better living and pleasure, yet irkku advises at the end.

